Saturday, November 24, 2018

U.S. House Gets Younger As A Result Of 2018 Election

These charts are from the Pew Research Center. They looked at the ages of the current members of the House and the incoming members, and discovered that the House is going to be much younger in January, when the 116th Congress is sworn in.

There will be more Millennials (from 1.1% to 6%) and more Generation X members (from 27.1% to 31.5%), and less Baby Boomers (from 62.1% to 53.9%) and Silent Generation (from 9.7% to 8.6%) members. The biggest change comes in the Democratic Party. The average age of House Democrats dropped form 64.3 to 45.8 (a difference of 18.5 years). The average age of Republicans dropped from 58.4 to 48.9 (a difference of 9.5 years).


  1. Let’s face it Boomers have failed this country. It is not better off during our time. Our children don’t deserve the world we have left them. Time after time the polls you publish here tell the story. White male over 55 = selfish pea-brained greedy racist assholes. The most unpatriotic head up the ass demographic in our country’s history since the traitorous confederacy.

    1. I'm one of those over 55 whites, and I agree with you!


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