Saturday, April 13, 2019

Public Does NOT Agree With GOP Effort To Cut Spending

The huge tax cuts given to the rich and corporations have ballooned the federal deficit and caused the national debt to skyrocket. The reason is because those cuts have caused the government to receive far less in tax revenues than they would have gotten. But Republicans want to blame it on government spending, and they want to cut government spending in nearly all domestic programs (except military spending) -- including programs like Social Security that has never added a penny to the deficit or the national debt.

The American public does not agree. They feel the tax cuts were unfair (slanted to help mostly the rich), and they don't want cuts to federal programs that help Americans. Note on the chart above that the desire to cut federal spending is tiny, while the desire to keep spending as it is or increase it is overwhelming.

Once again, the Republicans show they only care about rewarding the rich. And they are willing to throw most Americans under the bus to do that. It's just one more reason why they should be voted out of power in 2020.

The chart above uses information in a recent Pew Research Center survey -- done between March 20th and 25th of a national sample of 1,503 adults, with a margin of error of about 2 points.

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