Monday, July 22, 2019

An Early Estimate Of Delegate Count After Super Tuesday

This chart is from the CBS News / YouGov Poll done between July 9th and 18th of 8,760 Democrats in the early voting states (those voting before and on Super Tuesday - March 3rd of 2020), with a margin of error of 1.5 points.

I just thought this was interesting, and thought you might also.

It shows the number of delegates each of the leading Democratic candidates would have if the current level of support was maintained through Super Tuesday.

Of course, there are several more debates and several months to go yet. The support numbers for each candidate will likely change many times -- especially after the bottom 15 candidates start to drop out.

However, it does show us that Sanders and Harris have work to do if they don't want the race to devolve into a two-candidate (Biden and Warren) race after Super Tuesday.

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