Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Epstein's Arrest Has Donald Trump Running Scared

Jeffrey Epstein is in a lot of trouble. He has been arrested again. Federal prosecutors have charged him with sex trafficking.

Epstein was known among his rich friends for throwing sex parties in Florida and New York, and paying girls as young as 13 or 14 to have sex with his guests.

Donald Trump was one of those friends. Trump attended at least some of those sex parties with underage girls, and he has been accused by some of those girls of having sex with them -- and then threatening them to keep quiet about it.

Let's be clear about the crimes we are talking about. Epstein is not the only person to have committed a crime at those parties. The age of consent in Florida is 18, and 17 in New York. Any person having sex with a girl under those ages committed a crime -- and that crime is RAPE OF A CHILD.

Trump was proud of his association with Epstein in the 1990's and early 2000's. He called him a "terrific guy", and bragged about both of them liking girls "on the younger side".

Now Trump has changed his tune. In a statement yesterday, he tried to make it sound like he and Epstein were only casual social acquaintances -- like everyone in Palm Beach. And he said they had not spoken in 15 years, because he was "not a fan of his".

It is likely that the "falling out" Trump said he had with Epstein was around 2008, when Epstein was convicted of having sex with an underage girl. Epstein got a sweetheart deal from then federal prosecutor Acosta (now Secretary of Labor). He received only 13 months in jail, and was able to get out of jail on weekdays so he could go to work.

Did Trump and other rich Epstein friends arrange for the deal, so Epstein would keep his mouth shut about who participated in those parties? There's no proof, but it's likely. Other people convicted of the same crime got much harsher sentences.

It may be different this time. There won't be another sweetheart deal for Epstein, and he could be looking at spending the rest of his life in prison (without daily releases to go to work). The publicity is just too great this time. The public wouldn't stand for it.

Will he spill the beans this time? Will he give up his rich friends to try and get a shorter prison sentence. A lot of Epstein's rich buddies (including Trump) must be quaking in their boots over the thought of that. They all (including Trump) committed crimes. Even if the statute of limitations has run out on some of them, the public exposure could be devastating. We are not talking about sexual groping this time -- it's rape of a child.

It is no wonder Trump is trying to distance himself from Epstein.

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