Thursday, February 20, 2020

A Reader Asks - Would I Vote For Bernie In November?

(This caricature of Senator Bernie Sanders is by the inimitable DonkeyHotey.)

Regular readers of this blog will know that I oppose the nomination of Senator Bernie Sanders to be the Democratic presidential nominee this year. I have not been timid in my opposition to him getting the nomination, and have written many posts about that.

This prompted a reader (and dear friend) to ask me a question a couple of days ago -- As a "Bernie-hater", would you vote for Bernie Sanders in November if he was the Democratic nominee?

I was a bit shocked by the question, but after considering it I think it's a fair one. After all, I have been very vociferous in my opposition. It deserves an answer.

First, let me say I am not a "Bernie-hater". I actually like the guy, and in the past I have even donated money for him to be re-elected to the Senate. In spite of his sometimes brusque appearance, I think he's likely a very nice person -- and I would love to discuss politics with him over a couple of drinks.

Second, I am not opposed to most of his political ideas. I have been a progressive for most of my life, and I think his ideas would create a country that would be better for all citizens.

So, if I like Bernie and his ideas, why do I oppose his nomination? It's because of all the baggage he carries from his past. While the Republicans will try to label any Democrat as a "socialist", the label won't stick to most. It will will Bernie. It will stick because he has proudly called himself that throughout his life, and you can bet the Republicans will use those many quotes by him. By the end of the general campaign, they will have convinced many moderate Independents that He is not just a socialist, but a communist. And that will scare many moderates away -- voters that the Democratic Party needs to win.

Having said all that, let me answer the question.


The most important thing in the coming election is to defeat Donald Trump. I will vote a straight Democratic ticket in November -- no matter who the Democratic Party nominates.

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