Friday, July 17, 2020

Donald Trump Has A 50% Problem

The charts above reflect the results of the new NBC News / Wall Street Journal Poll -- done between July 9th and 12th of a national sample of 900 registered voters, with a 3.27 point margin of error.

Those numbers reflect president that's in serious trouble, and likely will not get a second term. Here's what Chuck Todd, Mark Murray, Carrie Dann, and Melissa Hilzberg at NBC News has to say about these numbers.

One figure continually stands out for President Trump in our new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll: 50 percent.
And not in a good way for him.
Fifty percent of all registered voters in our poll “strongly” disapprove of the president.
Fifty percent say there is no chance at all they will vote for him.
Fifty-two percent — in a separate question — say they’re “very uncomfortable” about his candidacy.
Fifty-one percent are backing Joe Biden in the horserace, versus 40 percent for Trump.
One of the old maxims of American politics used to be that an incumbent (for any office) needs to be at 50 percent to be safe for re-election — otherwise there’s a majority of voters who exist that don’t support him or her.
But Trump has a different problem at hand: He’s got 50 percent (or more) of the national electorate saying they strongly oppose him.
And that’s something that a new campaign manager alone can’t fix. 

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