Monday, August 17, 2020

A Majority Approves of Biden Pick Of Harris As His Veep

The chart above reflects the results of a new ABC News / Washington Post Poll -- done between August 12th and 15th of a national sample of 1,001 adults, with a 3.5 point margin of error.

Since Joe Biden chose Kamala Harris to be his vice-presidential running mate, the media has been wondering -- does the pick help Biden or hurt him in the upcoming election?

We know there are a couple of groups that don't like the pick -- the anti-immigrant nuts and the racists. But neither group was going to vote for Biden anyway. They are die-hard Trump voters, because the think (probably correctly) that he is one of their own -- a hater.

But it turns out that a majority of Americans approve of Biden selecting Harris (about 54%). Only 29% disapprove, and the remaining 17% are unsure.

I'm not sure it really matters who Biden picked. This election is a referendum on Donald Trump -- do voters want to give him four more years or kick him out of the White House? But the pick of Harris is not going to hurt Biden.

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