Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Trump's Ready To Profit From QAnon's New Craziness

The followers of QAnon were the most disappointed people in the country on January 20th. They had been convinced that on that day, Trump would magically be sworn in for a second term and he would arrest Democratic leaders -- executing some and imprisoning many others. 

As they watched Joe Biden take the oath and become president, there dream was shattered. What were they going to do?

Well, some came to their senses while others joined other militant Trump-supporting groups (like militias). But a lot of them just found a new theory to embrace. They now believe that Biden is not really president, and their hero (Donald Trump) will take the oath of office for a second term on March 4th.

Here's a capsule of the new QAnon belief from Joshua Zitser at Business Insider:

The importance of March 4 for QAnon supporters is rooted in the bizarre beliefs of the "sovereign citizen" movement. 

The basis for that conspiracy theory is that a law enacted in 1871 secretly turned the US into a corporation. It posits that some Americans are therefore not subject to a variety of federal laws.

Supporters of the theory believe that every president who's been inaugurated since then is illegitimate; they believe that Ulysses S. Grant was the last legitimate president.

Grant, like other presidents in the 19th century, was inaugurated on March 4. The sovereign-citizen movement posits that the republic will be restored and that Trump will become the US's 19th president on March 4, 2021.

This fantasy has gained traction with the hardcore QAnon adherents trying to make sense of President Joe Biden's recent inauguration.

Donald Trump is not pushing this farcical theory, and probably couldn't do it if he wanted to (since he has lost his social media presence). But he's not ignoring it either. He's planning to profit from it.

He knows that the hotel of choice for these QAnon believers is his own Washington hotel, so what does he do? Does he lower the costs for his followers? NO! The hotel has tripled the price of their rooms for March 3rd and 4th!

Trump's misguided followers have yet to understand that Trump only has one value -- GREED! And he will continue to con them out of their money as long as he can.

Will Trump's QAnon followers finally come to their senses after he is NOT sworn in on March 4th? probably not. They haven't shown much ability for rational thinking. It will be interesting to see what new theory they come up with after March 4th. Only two things are certain -- it will not make sense to sane people, and Trump will try to make money from it.

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