Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Public Support For Afghanistan Withdrawal Drops Sharply


The chart above is from the Politico / Morning Consult Poll -- done between August 13th and 16th of a national sample of 1,999 registered voters, with a 2 point margin of error.

It shows that the current mess in Afghanistan (caused by the faster than expected Taliban takeover) has caused a significant drop in public support for the withdrawal of troops from that country. 

In April, the support for withdrawal was 69%. That has now dropped to 49% -- a huge 20 point drop.

For Democrats the drop was 15 points. For Independents the drop was 25 points. And for Republicans the drop was 21 points.

I disagree with those who have changed their minds. Keeping our troops there longer would not have accomplished anything. It would have just delayed it, and cost more lives -- with the outcome remaining the same.

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