Friday, October 22, 2021

"America First" Is A Dangerous Idea In A Global Pandemic

Why does the United States give aid to other countries? Is it altruism? That would be nice, but that has never been the reason. U.S. politicians dole out aid to other countries because it is in the interests of this country. A country that is getting money (or other aid) from the United States is far more likely to go along with U.S. wishes and policy that a country not getting that aid.

We should consider helping the world to get vaccinated in the same way. It is in our own self-interest.

Even if we could vaccinate 100% of our population (which seems to be impossible), it would not insure we are protected against the COVID-19 virus.

As long as there are other countries with significant portions of their population that are unvaccinated, the virus will continue. And as the virus continues to rage, it will mutate -- very possibly into more easily transmissible and more lethal forms. And it is possible that a mutation could occur that would be immune to the currently available vaccines. That would open up even highly vaccinated countries to a resurgence of the disease.

And anyone who thinks we could keep those mutated viruses out of this country is living in a dream world. In this globally-interconnected world, that would be impossible.

I understand, and support, the desire to get our own population vaccinated, but that would not end the pandemic. We must not only continue to send vaccines to other countries, but also support giving those other countries the knowledge and tools to produce their own vaccines. 

The global pandemic will not end until their is global herd immunity, and that can only be achieved by making sure most people get vaccinated in every country.

In a global pandemic, "America First" is a stupid and dangerous idea.

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