Thursday, November 04, 2021

Critical Race Theory Is Not Taught In Any U.S. K-12 School


The election in Virginia last Tuesday was disastrous for Democrats. There are probably many reasons why it happened. But one big reason is revealed in exit polling that asked voters what issue was most important for them. That issue, especially for white voters was EDUCATION.

Now this is not education as it has been in the past, with educational issues like class size, testing, charter schools, or school funding. No, this time it was about race and ethnicity.

Youngkin (the GOP candidate) made that clear in the final days of the campaign, when he told voters that he would ban teaching Critical Race Theory in Virginia schools on his first day in office. That will be an easy task, because Critical Race Theory is not being taught in Virginia K-12 schools and there is no plan to have it taught. The same is true in every other state -- it is not taught and never will be.

Republican candidates across the country are lying about Critical Race Theory. They have turned it into some kind of monstrous program to embarrass white children and make them ashamed. It is NOT!

What is Critical Race Theory? It is a college level course that is discussed and taught mainly in law schools. To put it simply, it is the recognition that U.S. laws and society has racism built into it, and focuses on how to legally make those laws (and society) fairer to all Americans.

Do you want laws and societal structures that are fair to everyone? Republicans don't. They have demonized Critical Race Theory to get what they want -- a whitewashed version of history. They don't want students to learn about the evils of slavery. They don't want students taught the real reason for the Civil War -- slavery. They don't want students to learn about Jim Crow laws, the Ku Klux Klan, lynchings, or the white rioters that wiped out Black communities (like in Tulsa).

In short, they don't want real history taught. They want a white racist version of history taught.

If a Republican tells you he/she will prevent the teaching of Critical Race Theory in K-12 schools, he/she is lying, and is furthering racism.

If a voter believes that Critical Race Theory is being taught in K-12 schools, that voter is stupid or racist -- probably both.

American history has many bright moments, but it also has many dark moments. Both must be taught. Failure to do that means racism will continue, and we will be doomed to repeat many of those darker moments in our history.

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