Friday, March 24, 2023

If He's Broken The Law, Trump Must Be Indicted And Tried

Donald Trump is being investigated by several entities for possible breaking the law -- the city of New York, the state of New York, the state of Georgia, and the U.S. Department of Justice. And it looks like one of those entities is close to issuing an indictment -- the city of New York.

This has the talking heads on cable news going crazy. They're saying that an indictment would anger Trump's followers, and possibly result in violence (similar to the January 6th riot). They're saying it would represent a low point in American history having a former president put on trial. And they're saying it might make Trump more popular (helping him to again be nominated by the Republicans).

They may be right about all of that. But that is NOT a good excuse to not indict and try Trump for breaking the law. If he has broken the law (and I believe he has), then he must be indicted and tried.

It must happen to uphold the rule of law, and once again establish equality under the law for all citizens. A failure to do so would mean that we have a two-tiered justice system -- one for the rich and powerful and another for the rest of America. 

While it is true that the rich have an easier time in our courts than the poor, that is something that we have fought against as a country. Refusing to indict and try Trump would make a mockery of that battle for equal justice.

We cannot allow the wealth or popularity of any individual to determine how they will be treated under the law. And we cannot allow threats to determine whether a lawbreaker will be punished or not. 

We are at a national cross road. Do we believe in the rule of law or not? Do we believe all men/women should be treated equally under the law or not? If we choose the latter in either case, we will do serious damage to our democracy.

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