Sunday, May 21, 2023

Elizabeth Warren"s Latest Missive To Her Supporters

This is the latest e-mail Senator Elizabeth Warren sent to her supporters:

 I’m running for re-election because although we’ve made tremendous progress as a movement (like getting student debt cancellation signed by the president, and cracking down on giant corporations that weren't paying federal income taxes), there’s still so much more to do.

Here are some of the plans that I’m fighting for:

  • Pass a wealth tax to make the wealthy finally pay their fair share.
  • End the filibuster to ensure abortion rights and enact gun safety laws across the country.
  • Significantly reduce the cost of child care for every American family, making it as low as $10 a day.
  • Rein in big banks and pass stronger regulations to prevent another economic crisis.
  • Make the Supreme Court follow a basic code of ethics.
  • Expand Social Security benefits by $2,400 a year and fully fund the program all the way to 2096.
  • Fast and free federal tax filing, so Americans don’t have to go through profiteering middlemen like TurboTax. (This is on its way!)
  • Crack down on corporate profiteering and price gouging so that working families don’t pay the price for their greed.
  • Ban members of Congress and their spouses from owning and trading individual stocks.

We need to keep laying out big, bold plans that lift up working families and protect our values.

If you wish to donate to her re-election campaign, you can go here.


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