Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Could Trump Run For President From Prison? YES!

Most Americans think Donald Trump committed a crime (either by stealing top secret documents, or trying to subvert the 2020 election result). And a substantial number believe he will be convicted of a crime. Since an overwhelming number of Republicans still support Trump, it brings up a question -- could Trump still run for the presidency if convicted and sent to prison? The answer is yes! It has happened before -- in the 1920 presidential election. 

Socialist Eugene V. Debs was in prison for opposing America's entry into World War I. He was allowed to submit a 500 word campaign article each week to the press (even though most newspapers of the day refused to print it). He still got almost a million votes.

In these modern times, Trump would have a much easier time. He would have access to social media, where he could get his message out to his millions of follower. And he would likely even get TV time and coverage in the press.

It would be unusual, but it could happen. And with Trump's ego, there is little doubt that he would continue his presidential quest even if imprisoned. And there is little doubt the Republican Party would let him do it, since they are afraid of angering his supporters (many of whom might stay at home on Election Day if they don't have their favorite demagogue to vote for). That would be disastrous for down-ballot Republicans.

Will Trump be convicted and sent to prison? Will it happen before Election Day? We'll just have to wait and see, but it could happen.

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