Saturday, November 18, 2023

Opposing Israel Government Actions Is Not Antisemitism


* Israel has the right to exist.

* Israel has the right to be safe from terrorism from Hamas, Hezbollah, or any other terroristic group.

* Antisemitism is wrong.

I believe those statements - and I think other Americans should also believe them. But believing them doesn't mean I must accept and support anything the Israeli government does.

There is a movement on many college campuses demonstrating for a ceasefire in the Israel/Hamas war. I can understand it, because well over 10,000 Palestinians have been killed (including over 5,000 children). Most of those killed were innocent citizens. They were not Hamas fighters.

But in the media some are labeling those students as antisemitic. Some may be. Those who make threats, commit violence, or discriminate against people because of their Jewish heritage definitely are. But demonstrating for a ceasefire does not make a person antisemitic.

Opposing Israel government actions is not antisemitic anymore than opposing U.S. government actions is anti-American. In a free country, with free speech rights, a person has the right to speak or demonstrate against government actions they feel are wrong.

Opposing the bombing of innocent civilians is not antisemitic.

Opposing illegal settlements in the West Bank is not antisemitic.

Opposing the Netanyahu government is not antisemitic.

Supporting a two-state solution is not antisemitic.

Antisemitism is a horrible injustice and should be called out and punished when found. No one should be discriminated against or made to fear for their lives because of their Jewish heritage. But labeling any opposition to Israeli government actions as antisemitism is also wrong.

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