Saturday, February 17, 2024

Hearing On Atlanta D.A. Highlights Trump's Desperation


Donald Trump faces 91 criminal indictments in four different venues. And many of those charges could actually result in his imprisonment if convicted.

Trump has tried every trick in the book to rid himself of these charges. He has declared that he is immune to many of these charges because he was president. That was shot down by the D.C. Court of Criminal Appeals. That court found Trump was just as subject to being charged for criminal activity as any other American citizen. 

Trump has also tried to delay the trials he faces by filing appeal after appeal in many courts, including the Supreme Court. His hope is to delay any trials until after the November election. If elected president again, he thinks he would be immune to facing trials, and maybe even able to pardon himself.

Some of the most dangerous (to him) charges he faces are those brought against him by the District Attorney in Atlanta. There, he faces a RICO charges for actively trying to illegally overturn the legitimate election results in Georgia.

And he is trying a dirty trick to rid himself of the Atlanta charges. His attorneys learned of a romantic relationship between the Atlanta D.A. and one of the prosecutors she appointed to help with Trump's case. Trump's attorneys have charged that the D.A. appointed the prosecutor so he could get payments from government contracts and she would receive illegal kickbacks. Those charges have resulted in a hearing.

In the hearing, Trump's lawyers have tried to drag the D.A. through the mud -- questioning the prosecutor, the D.A., and even her father about the sexual relationship. But outside of trying to smear the D.A. with lurid sexual questions, Trump's lawyers have been unable to establish any illegalities.

They were hoping if they could smear the D.A. badly enough, she would be removed from the case. The case would then be given to another jurisdiction -- maybe even one that would dismiss the case, or at least not pursue it aggressively. That should NOT happen!

Trump has claimed innocence. If he's innocent, then he should go to court and let his lawyers prove it. 

Trump's attempts to smear the D.A. are despicable. Her love life is none of his business - especially since he has such a poor sexual history himself (proven sex abuse, obvious misogyny, and multiple divorces). This smear attempt is over the line - and he knows it! He is just desperate, and running scared.

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