Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Trump Is Scamming His Own Supporters - And They Love It

Donald Trump has been a conman all of his adults life. He has run a myriad number of scams - from a fake charity and fake university to a collection of funds for veterans (which they never got). 

But since he embarked on his political career, he has mostly been scamming one particular group - his own supporters! He is continually asking them for money, and selling them a huge number of products (bibles, sneakers, perfume, trading cards, etc.).

One is left to wonder why they keep sending him money and buying his dubious products - especially after the disastrous 2022 election.

Are they just not very bright? That may be true of some of them, but I think for most there is another reason. His existence as a political leader justifies their own views.

Donald Trump is a racist, a misogynist, a homophobe, a xenophobe, and believes is sustaining white privilege. Until Trump came on the stage, these beliefs were going out of style and not accepted by most decent people. Those who held those views were criticized and most of them didn't openly discuss their views.

But Trump's hateful views have given other haters the courage to once again become publicly vocal about their hate. He has given them permission to hate their fellow Americans, and they love it!

The core of his supporters are not nice people. Neither is Donald Trump. And the supporters are willing to keep paying him to keep him on the national stage promoting their own hate. Without Trump, they could not be so open and vocal about their hate.

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