Saturday, July 13, 2024

Some Democrats Are "Carrying Water" For Donald Trump

Despite the talk of inflation, the economy, NATO, and various other issues, the media and many politicians seem to have forgotten there's only one real issue in the 2024 election - the danger posed by a second possible term for Donald Trump. Trump has many faults, but the most egregious is his authoritarian view of the presidency (as illustrated in Project 2025). His election would likely be the end of democracy in the United States.

That should be the focus of the media and all Democratic politicians. Sadly, it isn't! Most of what we are now hearing from the media is whether President Biden is too old to be re-elected. And even worse, this story is being invigorated and extended by the words of some Democratic officials (who are calling for Biden to drop out of the race and be replaced by a younger person).

These Democrats may not realize it, but they are carrying water for Donald Trump. They are making it more likely that this country will have to suffer a second Trump term in office. 

Their fearful whining is affecting large donors. Those donors don't want to throw away their money on a losing candidate, and that's the message the fair-weather Democrats are sending to them.

They are also giving voters the impression that the Democratic Party is as divided and chaotic as the Republican Party. I doubt they are driving voters to support Trump, but they might be convincing them to just give up and stay home on Election Day - and that is just as bad (because Democrats need a very large turnout to win).

They are keeping the focus on Biden - not on Trump and his terrible agenda.

And they are giving the Republicans a lot of political ammunition to use against President Biden. You can bet the Republicans are saving all the sound bites of Democrats who say Biden is not fit for a second term. And we will see those sound bites thousands of times in political ads between now and Election Day.

This needs to stop now! They know (as most voters know) that President Biden would be a much better president in his second term than Donald Trump would be. Democrats need to unite behind the president, and put the campaign focus back where it belongs - on the danger posed by Donald Trump! 

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