Friday, September 15, 2006

Another Republican Bites The Dust

During Georgie's first term as president, the Republicans had a great time. They had control of the entire government, and once they realized that, they threw the rulebook out the window. Realizing that they had only themselves to answer to, they began to fill their pockets with cash. They controlled the Ethics Committee and made sure no Republican misdeeds were punished. Life was good if you were a Republican.

But the piper is now starting to demand his payment. The Republicans had made two serious miscalculations. They underestimated the honesty of government employees and the incompetence of Georgie's administration. As Americans realized just how incompetent Georgie was, his poll numbers began to fall, and he could no longer provide cover for his dishonest minions. Honest federal and state prosecutors launched investigations, and the Republicans began to fall - even some powerful ones like Tom DeLay.

Today, another Republican congressman pled guilty to criminal charges. That Republican is Rep. Bob Ney of Ohio. Ney had been denying the charges against him for months, but today he pled guilty to making false statements, conspiracy to commit fraud and violating federal lobbying laws. He could get up to 10 years in prison, but prosecutors have said they will ask for 27 months of incarceration.

This just makes my day. I love seeing dishonest people being made to pay for their crimes. I just have one question. Who will be the next Republican to fall?

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