Friday, September 08, 2006

Cowtown - Texas' Worst Place To Vote

Cowtown, Fort Worth to those of you who are not Texans, has just placed high on another list. Unfortunately, this was a list of the worst places in America to vote. Can't be too proud of placing high on this list.

MOTHER JONES, the respected left-wing magazine, has just published a list of the worst places in America to vote. The list was included in an article titled "Just Try Voting Here: 11 of America's worst places to cast a ballot [or try]." Their number one pick was Atlanta, where a new law was passed raising eligibility requirements for voting. For an old guy like me, this brings back memories of the bad old days when literacy tests and poll taxes were used to prevent people from voting. The longer the Republicans stay in office, the more restrictions we get on our freedom.

Fort Worth was tied for second place on the list with Philadelphia and Beaufort, North Carolina. Cowtown earned the number two spot because of its computer voting system. This wonderful "state-of-the-art" voting system tossed in an extra 100,000 votes on primary night. Election officials [Republicans, of course] said the mistake was due to human error, and did not affect the outcome of any races. They claim new safeguards have been put into place to prevent that occurring in November. However, with a screwup this large, I don't know how a Tarrant County voter can have confidence in the voting system. I know I certainly don't trust the system to be fair and accurate. They were probably just practicing for November!

Two other Texas counties also made the list. Travis County was number six on the list, and Waller County was number nine. Doesn't it make you proud as a Texan to have three of the 11 worst places to vote right here in our state?

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