Monday, October 02, 2006

Foley Uses The Tired Old Alcohol Excuse

I guess we should have expected this. Anytime a politician or celebrity gets into trouble, they make a mad dash for a substance abuse treatment center. Mark Foley is no exception.

CNN is reporting this morning that Foley has checked himself into an alcohol treatment center. Foley said, "Painfully, the events that led to my resignation have crystallized recognization of my longstanding significant alcohol and emotional difficulties. I strongly believe that I am an alcoholic and have accepted the need for immediate treatment for alcoholism and related behavioral problems."

What a load of crap! Now he's trying to blame his pedophilia on alcohol. He may have an alcohol problem, but the alcohol did not make him a child molester, anymore than alcohol made Mel Gibson an anti-semite. The alcohol may lower some inhibitions and allow what is inside you to more easily come out, but it won't make you anything but drunk. If you're not already a molester, alcohol won't make you one.

We also learn this morning that the FBI is now investigating Foley. This is an investigation that should have been done months or maybe even years ago. The reason it wasn't is because Foley's buddies in Congress protected him. This cover-up reaches all the way up to the Speaker of the House.

Now that we know the Republicans are willing to cover-up even such sick crimes as these, one question comes to mind. How many other molesters and criminals are they covering for?


  1. He's also complaining that he was molested as a youth, which angers me to no end: even if he's talking about himself, a blame-the-victim mentality is a piss-poor excuse for adult behavior.

    Great coverage of the Foley scandal!

  2. You're right, txfeminist. This creep made his own choices and now doesn't want to take responsibility for those choices. I have no sympathy for the molester, or those who covered up for him.

  3. Alcohol, like caffeine, is a drug that can lead to a vicious cycle of tiredness. The age old excuse for drinking alcohol is that it is a medicine.

  4. I am very skeptical about teens using drugs as they have the impulse to refuse drug treatment help.
    Andrew William

    Addiction Treatment


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