Friday, October 06, 2006

Hispanics Fuel Growth In Student Population

It's no secret that the population of students in the United States is growing fast. It seems like every time we turn around, a new school is being built to keep up with the growth. In fact, between 1993 and 2003, 15,000 new schools were built in this country, and the building has not slowed since 2003. But while our student population is rapidly growing, the basic demographics of our country is also changing.

The Pew Hispanic Center, a non-partisan research group, has just released a study on student population growth in the United States. They tell us that the number of kids in U.S. public schools rose by 4.7 million between the years 1993 and 2003. Hispanics accounted for 3 million of the new students [63.8%], Blacks increased by 1.1 million [23.4%], Asians showed an increase of 500,000 [10.6%], and whites students showed a decline of 35,000.

The change in elementary school population shows us an even clearer picture of America's future demographic. During the same time period, elementary schools showed an increase of 1.6 million Hispanics, 390,000 Blacks, and 219,000 Asains. White students showed a decrease in numbers of 1.2 million.

Whites in this country have had a long and turbulent reign as the dominant group in this country. That is fast coming to an end, and that's probably a good thing. As we whites become a smaller portion of the population, maybe we can elect more minorities to government positions, and finally solve some of our persistent racial and ethnic problems.

This change is coming, and there's nothing that can stop it. You could completely close our borders and not allow anyone else in, and the changes would still come. We have always called our country a melting pot, and now it truly is becoming one. I believe that these changing demographics are responsible for borderline racist groups such as the Minutemen, and for Republican immigration scare tactics. Both of these groups are scared to death of an America without a white majority. But that is the coming reality, and they'd better get used to it. It's time to learn to get along with our fellow citizens regardless of their color, ethnicity, or point of origin. There's no reason why America's future can't be even greater than its past. Let us all do our part to ensure that better future, and let us start it by ensuring equality for all our citizens. It is time.

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