Friday, October 06, 2006

Marijuana Could Help Alzheimers' Patients

I posted about this a couple of months ago, but now that the Mainstream Media has finally found the story, I thought it would be good to discuss it again. Reuters News Service is now reporting that marijuana may actually be an effective drug in the treatment of patients with Alzheimers.

The Scripps Research Institute in California has reported that THC, the main active ingredient in marijuana, can prevent the breakdown of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. They also said that THC does this more effectively than any of the currently marketed commercial drugs.

The THC also has a second effect beneficial to Alzheimers' patients. It is also more effective at blocking clumps of protein that can inhibit memory and cognition. The Scripps researchers believe this discovery could lead to more effective Alzheimers' drugs.

We've known for a while now that marijuana can help people with glaucoma, can restore the appetite of patients receiving chemotherapy, and can be a valuable stress reliever. With the announcement of the Alzheimers' discoveries, it becomes clear that marijuana is becoming a boon for mankind, rather than the evil drug our government has tried to convice us of.

It is time to not just decriminalize marijuana, but to legalize it. After decades of trying, the government has failed to prove that marijuana is harmful to adult users. It needs to be legalized, and sold under the same rules as alcohol.

Then tax the hell out of it! You could hang a 100% or 200% tax on marijuana, and it would be paid without complaint. In fact, a significant tax could be levied at all three levels of government. Those of you who want lower taxes would probably be shocked at the huge amount of money that could be raised this way.

We learned a long time ago with alcohol, that prohibition does not work. All it does is provide a lucrative black market for criminals. Legalization would take this money out of the hands of criminals and put it to work for the American people. Let's stop demonizing marijuana, and put it to work for our society.

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