Monday, October 16, 2006

Rep. "Smokey" Joe Barton Blocks Autism Bill

There is a bill before Congress that would increase and coordinate National Institute of Health autism funding. The bill would also set up clinical studies and direct autism "centers of excellence" to conduct research on enviornmental factors that might cause or aggravate the disorder. The bill unanimously passed the Senate, and has 227 co-sponsors in the House. Autism experts were hoping for quick passge in the House, but it doesn't look like that will happen.

Although the bill has enough support in the House for passage, the bill must first clear the Energy and Commerce Committee chaired by Republican Joe Barton, and Barton is holding the bill up. Barton says he doesn't mind giving autism research some more money, but he doesn't like the bill as it is written. Barton is balking at the provision that directs research be done on enviornmental causes.

This would seem to be a no-brainer to most of us - more money for autism research is a good thing. If we could find enviornmental causes, then we could begin to correct the causes so less autistic children would be born. That sounds like a good thing doesn't it? Not to Smokey Joe.

You must understand that Smokey Joe Barton has spent his career in the House protecting the worst polluters. He has successfully kept the cement plants, power plants, etc., pouring tons of pollution into the air of the metroplex. Barton has always stood with the polluters, and against clean air. After all, it's not clean air that fills his campaign coffers. That was bad enough, but now he believes that the enormous profits of corporate polluters are more important than protecting the health of our children. Outrageous!

Never has it been as clear as it is now just what kind of person Smokey Joe is. He would choose corporate profits over clean air. He would also be willing to hurt autistic children to protect his polluter buddies. I urge the people in Smokey Joe's district to seriously consider voting for Barton's opponent. Barton sold out to the polluters years ago, and cannot be counted on to do what is best for the citizens of his district.

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