Saturday, November 11, 2006

A Burrito Is Not A Sandwich !

I'm going to put aside the politics for a moment, and examine a really important question -- Is a burrito a sandwich? That was the question before a Massachusetts court recently.

The Panera Bread Company, a bakery and cafe chain, recently filed suit in Worcester to prevent a Mexican food resturant from moving into the same shopping center. Panera said it had a clause in its contract which would prevent their landlord from leasing to another sandwich shop.

Panera claimed in court papers that a flour tortilla is bread, and bread with a filling is a sandwich. Of course, any Texan could tell you this is not true. A burrito is not even a distant cousin to a sandwich. To call it a sandwich is to denigrate the culinary masterpiece that is a burrito.

Fortunately, the judge did not accept Panera's tortured logic. The judge thought the difference lay in their being one tortilla instead of two slices of bread. He wrote, "A sandwich is not commonly understood to include burritos, tacos and quesadillas, which are typically made with a single tortilla and stuffed with a choice filling of meat, rice, and beans."

Thank goodness for the judiciary! Our world has been made safe for burritos. Now we can move on to less weighty matters.


  1. I'm more bothered by people thinking a Burrito is Mexican food :-)

  2. Actually, "tacos de harina" are really just burritos with only meat as filling. Granted it's not what most people would think of as a burrito because of the difference in the filling but it's really very similar - and Mexican.


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