Saturday, November 11, 2006

Texas Should Fire Its Lobbyists

Why does the state of Texas need to pay private lobbying firms to represent it in Washington? Traditionally, the Texas Office of State-Federal Relations has handled this function for the state, but in 2003, Gov. Perry cut back the duties of the state agency, and hired two lobbying firms. I guess his Republican friends weren't pocketing enough of the taxpayers' money.

Since 2003, Texas has been paying $15,000 a month to the Federalist Group, and also to Cassidy & Associates. Although they are being paid to represent all Texans, Drew Maloney from the Federalist Group, and Todd Boulanger from Cassidy & Associates have donated thousands of dollars to the campaigns of Republicans.

In addition to donating money only to Republicans, it seems that the two lobbyists only talk to Republicans when they represent Texas in Washington. Rep. Gene Green [D-Houston] informed Perry last January that the lobbyists do not consult with Texas' Democratic representatives.

Now that the U.S. Congress has had both the House and the Senate taken over by Democrats, it is highly doubtful that these obviously Republican lobbyists will be able to do Texas any good. I doubt that the Democrats are interested in anything these partisan Republicans have to say.

It is time for Perry to fire the two lobbying firms, and return the job of representing Texas in Washington, to the Texas Office of State-Federal Relations, where it belongs. I'm sure a better use can be found for the money we are paying these Republican operatives.

We need to end the culture of corruption. Let's start by firing our own lobbyists.

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