Friday, November 17, 2006

Dallas Principal Guilty Of Segregation

Last April, a group of Hispanic students and parents filed suit in federal court, charging that Preston Hollow Elementary School and the Dallas Independent School District were not treating them fairly. Yesterday, federal Judge Sam A. Lindsay agreed with them.

The judge ruled that Teresa Parker, principal at Preston Hollow Elementary, had violated the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Judge Lindsay said she had done this by using English As A Second Language classes to segregrate minority students from white students.

The ESL classes are intended for students who have little or no knowledge of the English language. However, Parker was putting ALL Hispanic students into the ESL classes -- even those who were proficient in English, while she was putting white students with the same skills into the general education classes.

Then just to make matters worse and leave no doubt about her racism, she put all the ESL [read minority] students' classrooms on a hall separate from the classrooms of the white students.

Has this woman never heard of Brown v. Board of Education? Or does she just not care about the Supreme Court decision and the law? I believe the Justices were very clear when they said, "Separate is inherently unequal."

Judge Lindsay has given Parker until January 17th to correct her unconstitutional actions. She can no longer segregrate students based on their ethnicity alone. David Urias, an attorney for the Mexican Legal Defense and Educational Fund, said, "The most important thing that's going to happen now is that they're not going to be segregated. [Classes will be] based on actual educational needs."

In addition, Judge Lindsay ordered Parker to pay $100 in nominal damages and $10,000 in punitive damages to each of two students named in the lawsuit.

The judge did not hold DISD or its superintendent liable in the case, but I do. They either did not know what was going on in this school, or they approved of it. Neither scenario is acceptable. Principals are not infallible, and they're not all good people. They must be subject to oversight just like any other DISD employee.

DISD can start to make things right by making sure the appropriate changes are made by January 17th. They should also fire this principal, and replace her with someone who is not a bigot. After all, she has violated the supreme law of our land -- the Constitution of the United States of America.


  1. I'll bet you $5 that the Principal keeps her job. Ugh.

  2. No bet!

    I think you're probably right.

  3. What will happen next?
    DISD will be forced to retire the principal, Teresa Parker.
    The original plaintiffs and their legal counsel MALDEF will rebuff any and all changes made to the classroom makeup at Preston Hollow. Why you ask? Simple, Judge Lindsay did not find DISD guilty. Judge Lindsay only awarded actual and punitive damages to plaintiff Santamaria. OFE and its President, Ana Gonzalez recieved no monetary compensation. MALDEF did not get their fees paid by the loser as customary in federal cases. Each side is liable for their own cost of litigation. Guess what? MALDEF is pissed off. No big pay day. MALDEF and the plaintiffs will be back, no doubt claiming that Teresa Parker and DISD are in violation of Judge Lindsay's order on January 18th, the day after the deadline. This time MALDEF will argue for additional sanctions, monetary damages, and attorney fees. So the court room battle for Preston Hollow will continue.
    And who are the real winners and losers? There are no winners, only the kids are the losers. None, not the Latinos, Blacks, Asians, and Anglos.

  4. I disagree. I believe the winners are the kids who, until now, have been locked out of the white classrooms.

  5. you all have no idea what youre talking about. your opinions are based on nothing. i have known this woman for over 11 years. i am a HISPANIC, mexican to be exact, 100 % mexican. i was ms. parkers student for five years in elementary school.i have always stayed close to her, even after i left elementary. weve remained close friends. she made me proud to be mexican. she defended me when i was made to feel inferior because of racist teachers. the racists here are the TEACHERS at preston hollow. i have printed out the 108 page case and am working very hard to defend her... ive already got a big group of MEXICAN parents who think this is all so unfair. these two women who filed the lawsuit are just two disgruntled women with a personal agenda to get rid of this EXCELLENT principal, these two women who come from mexico, a place where lawsuits dont exist, and just abuse this privledge we have in the USA. i cant believe they got away with this... ms. parker is the best principal i have ever had. she TRUELY cares about the kids, when she arrived at preston hollow she arrived with the intent to mix it up, to break this segregation. segregation and racism has existed in disd FOR EVER. this is a bunch of bull. it is truely an amazing oportunity if you get ms. parker as a principal. it is a disgrace this had to happen, it puts such a bad rep on mexicans... just cause were mexicans we can get away with such injustice... for over 30 years ms. parker has worked so hard through her career just to have it shattered by some 30 something greedy woman... AHHHHHHH i can go on forever on this...


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