Friday, November 17, 2006

Silly Sekula - Gibbs Does Washington

I must admit that before this last election season, I had never heard of Shelley Sekula-Gibbs. Being a north Texan, I was not familiar with her ridiculous brand of Republicanism. So naturally I thought, what can it hurt to let her go to Washington for a couple of weeks with a lame duck Congress? What harm can she do?

Well, she has answered that question. Since hitting town, she has done her best to make herself the laughingstock of Washington. She started by telling the national newspapers that in her two week stint, she would cut taxes, reform immigration, and resolve our problems in Iraq. But she wasn't happy with letting all of America know about her lack of even a single brain cell.

She then has a temper tantrum, or as Juanita calls it, a wall-eyed snot-nosed screaming hissy fit, because the president and vice-president did not attend her swearing-in and her reception. I can understand why the prez and the veep didn't want to attend -- they've been embarrassed enough in the last week and a half.

Now most people would have figured at this point that they had embarrassed themselves and their state enough, but not Silly Sekula-Gibbs. It takes her less than three days to run off the congressional staff working in the District 22 office. The staff deleted their personal files and walked out enmasse, saying they couldn't work for someone as mean as her. And that's saying something, because these are people who put up with Tom DeLay for years without quitting.

Now she is demanding that the House investigate the computer file deletions. It's obviously a plot to keep her from solving all of America's problems in the next two weeks.

I am impressed though. I think she's set some kind of record for most self-humiliating actions in a three day period. And just think, she's got over a week to go! I can hardly wait to see what stupid thing she's going to do now.

A big thank you to all the voters of District 22. You not only gave Texas a great new congressman in Nick Lampson, but you provided a couple of weeks of great entertainment by sending Silly Sekula-Gibbs to Washington. Move over Katherine Harris, there's a new nut in town!

1 comment:

  1. Being a Jefferson County resident exiled to Collin County, I am very happy to see our former tax assessor-collector win Terrific Tom DeLay's seat in Congress. Shelly seems as if she might benefit from my anti-depressant collection.


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