Thursday, November 02, 2006

Hunger Report Delayed To Help Republicans

Normally, the U.S. Department of Agriculture releases a report each October on the number of people going hungry in our country. This year the report has been conviently delayed until mid-November -- after the election. The Republicans claim that it's just a coincidence. They claim it has been scheduled for release in November for months. For those of you who believe that, I've got some ocean-view property for sale here in Fort Worth.

Why would they try to hide this report? Because it clearly shows the truth about our economy after six years of Republican rule. In 1999, there were 31 million people struggling with hunger in the United States. Last year the figure was 37 million people. This is a 19.4% increase since our incompetent president took office. The Republicans have been bragging about our "booming" economy during this election season, but they are also hiding the truth that the real facts reveal.

But this is nothing new. The closer the Republicans get to the election, the more they want to hide the truth from the American people. Recently, they also asked the IRS to delay trying to collect back-taxes from hurricane Katrina victims until after the election. They feared it would look like they were picking on hurricane victims, and cost them votes.

This Republican administration has been lying to us for so long, I don't believe they can remember how to tell the truth. It's time to toss these scoundrels out of office.

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