Thursday, November 02, 2006

Is Ann Coulter Finally In Trouble ?

Nine months ago, Ann Coulter, evil right-wing nutcase, registered and voted in a precinct in West Palm Beach. The problem is that she did not live in the precinct in which she voted. The vote was cast in the West Palm Beach town council election on February 7th.

Since that election, the Elections Administrator, Arthur Anderson, has been trying to investigate the illegal vote. He has written to Coulter four times asking for information. She has ignored all four requests. She seems to think she can just ignore a criminal investigation and it will go away.

But Mr. Anderson is getting peeved at being ignored for the last 9 months. He says he will turn the case over to the state's attorney no later than this coming friday for possible prosecution. If she knew she was voting in the wrong precinct, and it looks like she did, then it is a felony that is punishable by 5 years in prison.

We have known for years that Coulter has no regard for the truth. Now we see she also has no respect for the law. It would be poetic justice if she were charged, and wound up with a jury composed of Democrats.

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