Monday, November 13, 2006

Interesting Political Stuff

CBS News is reporting today that soon-to-be Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi [D-California] is supporting Rep. John Murtha [D-Pennsylvania] for the position of Majority Leader. Murtha is running against Rep. Steny Hoyer [D-Maryland] for the position.

A letter from Pelosi to Murtha was made public Sunday, in which she said, "Your presence in the leadership of our party would add a knowledgeable and respected voice to our Democratic team. Your strong voice for national security, the war on terror and Iraq provides genuine leadership for our Party, and I count on you to continue to lead on these vital issues."


James Leininger, San Antonio businessman and physician, has been trying to get an educational voucher system passed in Texas for several years now. This election, he spent nearly $5 million supporting candidates that would vote for vouchers. It looks like he wasted that money. There are now 8 less voucher supporters in the Texas House.

This happened because there was a new group this year funding and supporting opponents of vouchers. The Texas Parent PAC spent about $300,000 supporting anti-voucher candidates. Some of the winning candidates supported by Texas Parent PAC are Juan Garcia [D-Corpus Christi], Valinda Bolton [D-Austin], Donna Howard [D-Austin], Jimmie Don Aycock [R-Killeen], Susan King [R-Abilene], Drew Darby [R-San Angelo], Joe Heflin [D-Crosbyton], Diane Patrick [R-Arlington], Thomas Latham [R-Sunnyvale], Allen Vaught [D-Dallas], Joe Farias [D-San Antonio], & Ellen Cohen [D-Houston].


Recently, someone has been sending threatening letters containing a white powder to various politicians and celebrities. Some of those receiving the threatening letters are Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Jon Stewart, Keith Olberman, Sen. Charles Schumer, and David Letterman. The white powder was determined to be harmless, but this was still a serious crime.

Police arrested a suspect in California on Saturday. Chad Conrad Castagana, 39 years old, is expected to be arraigned in a Los Angeles U.S. District Court today on charges of Conveying False Information and Sending Threats By U.S. Mail.

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