President Bush has already lost the support of 70% of Americans regarding the Iraqi war. He basically is left with only the support of harcore Republicans, and even that is starting to change.
Until recently, Bush could count on the support of two groups - Republicans and the military. But he is now starting to lose support in both groups. There is a growing group called Iraqi Veterans Against the War, modeling themselves loosely on Vietnam Veterans Against the War.
One difference between the Iraqi group and the Vietnam group is the participation of active duty soldiers and National Guard. Where the Vietnam group was composed mainly of veterans who had left military service, the modern Iraqi war group has at least 700 members who are still active in the military.
These members are carrying out many activities opposing the war in Iraq - including attending demonstrations, speaking against the war in schools, doing anti-Iraq war counseling with potential enlistees, and operating anti-war websites.
Recently, Nearly 1000 soldiers, Guardsmen and reserve members signed an Appeal for Redress that was delivered to Congress. It said, "As a patriotic American proud to serve the nation in uniform, I respectfully urge my political leaders in Congress to support the prompt withdrawal of all American military forces and bases in Iraq. Staying in Iraq will not work and is not worth the price. It is time for U.S. troops to come home."
Last week Sen. McCain told John Stewart that U.S. troops supported the war, but clearly that is not true of all the troops. While still prepared to follow orders and do their duty, a growing number of the troops are opposing U.S. policy in Iraq.
Many Republicans are also starting to have second thoughts about the war as next year's election grows nearer. Several Republicans have already jumped ship and voted with Democrats to institute a timetable to end the war.
In an effort to stave off more Republican defections, Bush has imposed a timetable of his own. He has asked General Petraeus to deliver a progress report in early September. That report had better show some real progress or he faces even more Republican defections. Many Republican congressmen are beginning to see the writing on the wall, and it's voters doing that writing.
Bush's surge has not started well. April turned out to be the most violent month of the war. How many people are going to have to die before Bush will admit the truth and bring our soldiers back home?