Wednesday, August 15, 2007

15-Month Rotations To Continue For Another Year

We are just one month away from the progress report on Iraq that the Bush administration promised to give Congress. The report is supposed to be delivered in September.

But Tuesday, we were reminded that the Bush administration has no plans to reduce the number of troops in Iraq for at least another year. Army Vice Chief of Staff General Richard Cody said that the 15-month rotation of soldiers will continue at least through next June so the army can maintain its full complement of 158,000 troops there (the current number).

He even went further and said this was a "best case" scenario. In other words, the full 158,000 troops could be kept in Iraq much longer than just another year.

Since the situation in Iraq has not been showing any improvement, I think we can count on Bush keeping the soldiers there even longer. Not only has the Iraqi parliament taken the month of August off while American soldiers and innocent Iraqi citizens continue to die, but all the Sunni ministers have left the puppet government. This puts the Iraqi government in serious danger of not surviving much longer. Meanwhile, the civil war rages on.

Bush has made it obvious that he's going to keep all the soldiers in Iraq regardless of the assessment given in September by his generals. So why must Congress wait until September to act?

The people put the Democrats back in control of Congress to get something done about ending our involvement in the Iraqi civil war. It is time for the Democrats to deliver. They have wussed out on every opportunity until now, but that must change.

The troops need to be withdrawn now.

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