Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Parker County Is Making A Mistake

Parker county commissioners voted on Monday to let a private company take over the operation of their county jail. They then awarded the contract to the second largest prison management company in the country -- CiviGenics.

Commissioners said it cost them $56 dollars a day per prisoner to currently run the county jail. They have contracted to pay CiviGenics only $39 a day per prisoner. The sheriff and the commissioners are not only celebrating the money they will save, but say it will allow them to put more deputies on the street, because jailers will no longer be employees of the sheriff's department. The jailers will now be private guards working for CiviGenics.

On the surface, it looks like a good deal for the city. But I have to wonder if they've really thought this thing through. They may well be opening themselves up to very expensive future problems.

How exactly is CiviGenics going to operate the jail on $17 dollars per day per prisoner less than the county was able to do, and MAKE A PROFIT? They certainly wouldn't be taking the contract if they didn't expect to make a profit.

I know some conservatives believe that a private company will just be more efficient. But there is absolutely no reason to believe that the county government could not be just as efficient as a private company. The same jail standards must be met whether run by the county or not. If the current sheriff couldn't run the jail efficiently, then the voters should replace him with someone who could.

Where is the $17 savings per prisoner (plus the profit) going to come from?

Are fewer guards going to be guarding the same amount of prisoners, thus creating a dangerous situation for guards and prisoners?

Are these guards going to be paid less and given less benefits, resulting in less competent guards being hired and creating a dangerous situation?

Are the guards going to be given less training, resulting in less competence and a more dangerous situation?

Are the prisoners going to be given substandard food and medical care?

The cuts have to come somewhere, and all of the above would set the county up for huge lawsuits in the future. After all, whether the jail is run by a private company or the county government, state law says the county is ultimately responsible. They will be legally liable for all the private company's shortcomings ( and there will have to be shortcomings).

Whether conservatives want to admit it or not, some things are better done by the government. Guarding and caring for those incarcerated by the government is one of those things.

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