Monday, March 17, 2008

Clinton Interferes In Texas Delegate Process

It looks like the desperation is growing in the Clinton campaign. Is has become clear to her that she actually lost here in Texas, so she is now trying to delay the next step in the selection of Texas delegates.

On March 29th, the senate district and county conventions are scheduled to meet. At that time, they will select the delegates to the state convention. But the Clinton campaign has now sent a letter to state Democratic leaders asking that these conventions be delayed until some time in April.

Her campaign says the delay should happen so the signatures from the March 4th caucuses can be verified, to make sure only qualified delegates attend the senate district and county conventions. That's nonsense. The March 4th delegates were chosen in the same messy but democratic fashion in which they're always chosen.

Clinton wants to delay the conventions in the hope that she can win big in Pennsylvania, and maybe cause some disheartened Obama delegates to not show up in Texas. It won't happen, but it is all she is left with to try and even the score in Texas.

The March 29th conventions should not be, and won't be delayed. The March 4th caucuses were fair, and both sides had an equal chance to turn out their people. The Obama campaign just did a better job of doing it.

In the meantime, Obama just extended his lead in delegates by picking up at least seven of Edwards' delegates. John Edwards had earned 26 delegates before dropping out of the race -- 14 in Iowa, 4 in New Hampshire and 8 in South Carolina.

On Saturday, Iowa held its county conventions. During those conventions, at least seven of the Edwards delegates switched their support to Obama. The rest are still pledged to Edwards.

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