Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ferraro Refuses To Admit Error - But Resigns

When she ran for vice-president years ago, I voted for Geraldine Ferraro. Since then, I have had a high regard for her as a leading progressive. I'm beginning to think I was wrong in my judgement of her character.

She made a serious mistake the other day by saying the only reason Obama is successful in his bid for the nomination is because he was black. To me, that statement smacked of racism. That old racist accusation that a black could not possibly be successful because of his natural talent and hard work -- it must have been given to him because he's black.

It was bad enough that a liberal would say such a thing in the first place -- especially since it's so obviously not true in Obama's case. The man is a great speaker and campaigner, and would be regardless of his color or ethnicity.

Then she made it worse. When many on the left criticized her for the racially-insensitive statement, she shot back that she was just being criticized because she was white. Good grief! That's the kind of reply I would expect from a white power advocate. Very disappointing.

Yesterday, she did the right thing by resigning from the Clinton campaign. But it looks like she still doesn't understand what she did wrong. She told Clinton that she was resigning because, "The Obama campaign is attacking me to hurt you. I won't let that happen."

How ridiculous! She was being attacked because she made a stupid racist statement, and then tried to defend it instead of just apologizing. I still can't believe she is trying to blame others for her own failing.

It just goes to show that in America, there can be a bit of racism in even a liberal. Instead of blaming others, Ferraro needs to do some serious soul-searching. She owes both the Obama and Clinton campaigns (and all Democrats) an apology.

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