Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Matula Headquarters To Open

Sherrie Matula, candidate for House District 129, will begin moving into her headquarters this weekend at 17300 Saturn Road, Suite 105 in Houston. They could use some help. If you can help them move, give John a call at 281-536-2457. I'm sure he'll appreciate any help he can get!

The headquarters will officially open on July 12th. In the meantime, there are some items the campaign still needs. Here is the list:

Soft drinks, bottled water



Coffee supplies

Coffee pot

Plastic forks/spoons/knives, plastic cups and plates, napkins, paper towels

Pens, staplers, staples scissors, highlighters, sharpies, pencils, pencil sharpeners, tape, pushpins, stickies, binder clips, file folders etc

In and out boxes

Name tags

Paper for printers – we need lots!


Large Texas flag

Small Texas flags

General Decorations

American and Texas flags for outside

Hand soap

Toilet paper


Vacuum cleaner

Call Martha (281-773-5863) or John (281-536-2457), if you have items you can donate or let them borrow.

They're also going to do some block walking in precinct 306 (Bay Forest) on Saturday and Sunday from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. Those willing to help should meet at the headquarters at 5:30pm for a short training session.

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