Monday, August 11, 2008

Glen Rose Footprints Are Fakes

There's been a lot of comment over rocks found in Glen Rose near Stephenville. The rocks supposedly have dinosaur and human footprints side-by-side. Evangelicals have used the rocks as proof that men and dinosaurs lived at the same time -- meaning the earth is much younger than scientists say it is. But are the footprints real?

Probably not, according to 67 year-old Zana Douglas. It was her father and grandfather who "discovered" most of the dinosaur footprints. Back during the Great Depression, they sold the footprints for $15 to $30 dollars. She said her grandfather was a good sculptor, and when the family needed money, he would just make some more dinosaur footprints.

She said her father and grandfather once made some of the rocks with both dinosaur and human footprints as a joke. But the grandfather then got worried that people might think these were real, so they took them out and buried them. After all, they were just trying to make some money, not upset valid scientific theory.

Obviously, these fakes were later found, and are the ones recently sold to an evangelical preacher. I think most people in the scientific community probably knew they were fakes, but I appreciate Zana Douglas for coming forward with the truth.

The earth is far older than 6000 years, and dinosaurs and humans did not exist at the same time. That's fact.


  1. I'm thinking about going out in the back yard and finding a big piece of limestone to carve. But mine will have a Big Foot print.

  2. Oh my gawd.

    That's the funniest thing I've read in a while. Thanks, JA.

    hmmm... Ya know... I have a kiln...hmmm.... Could be a new occupation in my future. Perhaps primitive pots with humans riding pet dinosaurs painted on the sides?

    All this nonsense makes it clear how easy it was for religion to demand that the world was flat longer after sailors said, "umm..not so much."


  3. Umm no offense intended guys, but I have been to Glennrose, TX and seen the footprints. I really doubt anyone made them up, since they are embedded in the river bed, which in this area of Texas is basically one giant slab of limestone.


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