Friday, November 14, 2008

Hillary For Secretary Of State ?

This is interesting. CNN is reporting that two sources in the Obama campaign say Hillary Clinton has been picked to be Barack Obama's Secretary of State. If it's true, that would certainly be a surprise pick -- although not a bad one.

The speculation was fueled when Hillary flew to Chicago on Thursday. Her office said she went there for "personal business", but the pundits are speculating that she could have met with Obama or his people while there.

Although Clinton seems to be satisfied with her position in the Senate, she hasn't completely ruled out taking a position in the Obama administration. On Monday night, she was asked if she might take a post in the administration and replied, "I am happy being a senator from New York, I love this state and this city. I am looking at the long list of things I have to catch up on and do. But I want to be a good partner and I want to do everything I can to make sure his agenda is going to be successful."

I really don't think this is going to happen, although I think she'd make an excellent Secretary of State. I think the choice will be either Bill Richardson or John Kerry, and I'm pulling for Richardson.

I would like to see Clinton get a "promotion" though. I think she should replace Harry Reid as Majority Leader in the Senate. Reid has been a weak and ineffectual leader, and Clinton would do a much better job.

1 comment:

  1. Richardson SHOULD have been the damned nominee.

    I sure as hell wouldn't trust Hillary as SOS. She's already in too tight with the military-industrial complex, can you IMAGINE the lobby money she'd be pulling in then, to pay herself back for the campaign loan?

    And really, could ANYBODY be any more milquetoast than Harry Reid? He makes Donny Osmond look like a badass. Not a high bar to beat there.

    Richardson as SOS, Webb @ Defense, Donna Brazile as Chief of Staff, Barbara Boxer @ HUD, maybe EPA (if Al Gore won't do it), and that's about all I've got for now.

    Damned cats.


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