Wednesday, December 10, 2008

More Political Corruption

I am a left-wing Democrat and proud of it. But that does not mean I am willing to put up with political corruption from a Democrat any more than I would if it came from a Republican. Both are equally bad and equally deserving of condemnation.

That's why I was disgusted to learn this week of the unforgiveable actions of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. After being elected on a platform of cleaning up government (the previous governor of Illinois is a Republican currently serving time for corruption), Blagojevich turns out to be just another corrupt politician, who wants to use his office to enrich himself.

Not long ago, Blagojevich actually said anyone could tap his conversations and they would only find that he obeys the law. Well, the U.S. Justice Department took him up on that challenge, tapped his office and home phones, and it only took them six weeks to make a case against him for corruption.

Blagojevich used his office to solicit and try to force payment of bribes from businessmen and others. But perhaps his most egregious crime was trying to sell the senate seat vacated by Barack Obama. As Illinois' governor, it was his job to appoint a replacement for Obama when he resigned the senate seat. But it was never his to sell!

He was caught on tape saying the senate appointment should get him a high-paying job at a non-profit organization or an organization affiliated with a labor union. He also wanted a job for his wife that would pay at least $150,000 a year. If he didn't get what he wanted, he was going to appoint himself, and then use the senate seat to enrich himself. What a scumbag!

The sad part is that as long as he is still governor, he can still legally make the senate appointment. He has that right unless he resigns, is convicted or is impeached. If he had an ounce of decency left, he would resign and let his Lt. Governor make the senate appointment. At this point, any appointment made by Blagojevich would be tarnished.

This whole matter is disgusting. I hope he gets at least as long a sentence as his Republican predecessor.


  1. Apparently, there's a third scenario in Illinois. The Governor can inform the Lt. Gov. and the State Sec. of State that he is temporarily unable to perform his duties, which would leave the Lt. Gov. as acting Gov until such time (if any) the Gov. was able to return to his duties.

    Very likely, Blagovitch will be "persuaded" to take a "temporary" leave of absence (which may run ... oh... ten to twenty years, with time off for good behavior).

  2. jobsanger,
    One of the things I like about this blog is that you're just as likely to call Democrats out on corruption as you are Republicans.

    As egregious as selling President-Elect Obama's Senate seat is, the thing that really got to me was Blagojovich trying to call back the $8 million to Children's Hospital because the hosptial administration wouldn't cough up his $50K kickback. Holding hostage the well being of a bunch of sick kids is beyond despicable.

    Cleaning up corruption is one change the Obama Adiminstration could enact that even I could believe in. I'm encouraged by the rumors that it was Rahm Emanuel who blew the whistle on Blagojovich. I'm hoping that this will be the rule and not the exception over the next four years.

    Although I have absolutely no reason to believe that the President Elect himself was involved in any way in this corruption, I'm a little concerned that he and his administration might want to look the other way when others engage in such activities. Obama's choice for Attorney General, Eric Holder, has a less than stellar record when it comes to seeking pardons for people like Marc Rich and the 16 members of the FALN. And Obama's dealings with Tony Rezko seem to reflect either a dangerous naivete or passive indifference.

    I guess time will tell how the Obama Administration will deal with this.

  3. Corruption is still corruption, no matter which party does it.


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