Friday, June 12, 2009

Fears Of The Gun Crowd

From the excellent blog What Would Jack Do?


  1. What's amazing is that there has not been a single -- not one -- bill proposed in either house of Congress to regulate firearms in any way. All this hysteria is just nonsense, but facts don't matter to these high-strung nutcases, only their paranoid psychosis does...

    - Badtux the Head-shakin' Penguin

  2. Facts don't matter to you, either, it seems.

    Despite BO's statements supporting the 2nd amendment his actions say otherwise, e.g. being a board member of the Joyce foundation that gives money to organizations to seek an outright ban on handguns.

    Combine that with AG Eric Holder making multiple statements against freedom/2A, Hillary Clinton making statements against freedom/2A, and past history when Democrats are in control of both congress and the presidency, and the fears are justified.

    Of course, that isn't good enough you liberals. It doesn't matter that all of these peple have come out talking about restrictring freedoms, there isn't any bills in congress you say, (in fact, there are several,HR45, HR1022, HR2401,S843), so when they are ( and now that you know there are) you will say, "Oh well they aren't going anywhere and they won't pass, so the fear is still nonsense."

    What you are doing is moving the goalposts and being an ostrich.


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