Friday, June 12, 2009

Yoko Ono Wins Music Award

Yoko Ono, the widow of John Lennon, was presented a lifetime achievement award for her contribution to music at the Mojo Magazine Awards. Mojo editor Phil Alexander praised her for having "a huge influence on modern music."

Alexander said: "She may have been married to one of the most famous men in the world, but she also helped change music as we know it in her own right. First, by introducing avant-garde sensibilities to her husband but, just as significantly, by continuing to push the boundaries of what was deemed the norm way after that."

Ono seemed a little surprised at the warm reception she received while accepting the award. She said, "It's really great that I went on stage and people were very warm towards me, I didn't expect that. For the longest time I never expected people to be so warm when I get on stage."

I'm really glad she got the award and was received well by the crowd. She's a good person who's gotten a raw deal from many Beatles fans for far too long. Many people blame Ono for the breakup of the Beatles. Of course, that's just ridiculous. Lennon and McCartney were pretty sick of each other at the time, and there's little doubt they would have broken up even if John had not met Yoko. John Lennon was his own man and made his own decisions.

Ono was asked what John would have said of her receiving the award. She said, "He would have said, 'I told you so, man.' He was the only person who was really believing and promoting my work. Without that I might have been pretty discouraged."

I believe she's right. John truly loved Yoko and supported her right up until his death. It's time for his fans to now do the same.

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