Friday, October 02, 2009

Empty Book For Empty Time

Political Cartoon is by Larry Wright in The Detroit News.


  1. I would have been disappointed if you hadn't updated the Palin Divorce Watch.

  2. I've got a handy little Excel spreadsheet that's set up as a "days calculator": dates X number of days in the future, dates X number of days in the past, and last but certainly not least, days between dates. That's how I figured out that it was 1,400+ days since Tom DeLay was indicted for conspiracy (10/03/2005). (I hope you don't think I actually counted those days off on a calendar; I've got a life, y'know!)

    Tomorrow is the 3rd anniversary of DeLay's surviving indictment, and still no conviction. Yet the DeLay Conviction Watch marches on. With a little bit of luck,three years from this past August 1st, I'll still be reporting the Palin Divorce Watch.


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