Friday, October 02, 2009

Sarah Palin's Ghostwriter

Sarah Palin's book was originally supposed to be released next spring, but since it is finished, the release date has bee moved up to November 17th. Of course, Mrs. Palin didn't really write the book. She hired someone else to do that. Palin has enough trouble writing a short speech that makes sense (for instance, her resignation speech), and there's no way she would have the wherewithal to actually write a 400 page book.

It shouldn't surprise anyone that the ghostwriter she hired is every bit as big a kook as Palin. It is Lynn Vincent -- a right-wing fundamentalist creationist with known ties to the white supremacist movement.

This woman is such a nut that even the ultra-right blog Little Green Footballs doesn't like her choice as Palin's ghostwriter. Here's what LGF has to say about Vincent being chosen to write the book:

"If you're going out shopping for a ghostwriter, how hard is it to find reputable people without extremist views or associations? There are thousands of people who could have done this job. Sarah Palin picked one who is an extreme anti-abortion creationist, associated with an open white supremacist. Bad judgement doesn't even begin to describe this."

For the first time, I find myself agreeing with LGF (and that sort of gives me the creeps). But maybe those reputable writers without an extremist agenda or association didn't want to soil their own reputations by ghostwriting a book for someone like Sarah Palin.

Perhaps, only a nutjob like Vincent would stoop low enough to write the book.

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