Thursday, April 08, 2010

Homophobia Rules At Mississippi School

About a month ago, I wrote a post about how a Mississippi school board had cancelled their high school prom to avoid allowing a lesbian girl, Constance McMillen, attend the event with her girlfriend. It was breathtakingly stupid of them to do this, but I figured the matter would be ironed out once the ACLU got involved (because the girl's rights were obviously being violated by the school district). It turns out that I had underestimated the sick and dastardly homophobia of the people of Fulton, Mississippi.

The ACLU did take the Itawamba Agricultural High School to court, and the judge ruled that the school had indeed violated the student's rights. The judge stopped short of ordering the school board to have a prom with all students allowed to attend, because the attorney for the board assured the judge a private prom was planned and Miss McMillen would be allowed to attend. It looked like the problem had been settled, but the school's attorney had lied (or at least failed to tell the whole truth).

Miss McMillen was told the prom would be held at the country club, and indeed a "prom" was held there -- for seven students (including a couple of disabled students). It turns out that there had been two proms planned -- one for the unliked students like Constance and the disabled students, and another secret prom for everyone else.

The bigoted parents of the town had gone out of their way and spent extra money just to make sure their homophobic offspring didn't have to go to a prom with undesirable students like lesbians and disabled students. Frankly, I don't know how these parents and students can look at themselves in a mirror, because truly a monster would be looking back at them. How dare they do such a sick and twisted thing to high school students!

I find myself at a loss for words to describe how I feel about the students and parents of Itawamba Agricultural High School, but Badtux, the Snarky Penguin does a pretty good job of it. Here are his words:

"These inbred redneck cracker motherfuckers ain't learned a goddamned fucking thing in the past forty years. They're still the same hate-filled spiteful cocksucking bastards as always, pure festering evil masquerading as human beings, just looking for a new nigger to hate now that their old ones have given them the finger and worse. And now they found one: Gays."

(The picture above was taken at the secret prom and posted on FaceBook by some of the student homophobes. They were very proud of the trick they and their despicable parents had played on the seven students.)


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