Thursday, August 19, 2010

Palin Popularity Still Plummeting

Right after the 2008 election Sarah Palin was a popular personality, especially among the right-wingers in this country. They treated her like a queen and flocked to see her wherever she went. She was so popular that she was able to command fees of $100,000 just for giving a speech. But it looks like the bloom is off the Palin rose.

It seems like the further we get from the 2008 election and the more the public is exposed to Palin, the less popular she becomes, even among the right-wingers. And this is true even in the Southern states like Florida (where the teabaggers ousted the Republican Party state chairman and installed one of their own).

In Jacksonville a faith-based non-profit called Heroic Media is holding a fund-raising event to help women with unexpected pregnancies. They invited Sarah Palin to be their keynote speaker thinking she would draw a large crowd and rented the 2,936 seat Moran Theater. This is not a large theater, but it would have been a very successful fund-raiser if they could have filled it.

To their surprise though, they found that Sarah Palin can't fill a theater with less than 3,000 seats -- in fact, she couldn't even come close to filling it. With just a few days left until the event, it has been moved to a much smaller venue -- the 609 seat Terry Theater. And that theater has not even been filled as there are still unsold tickets left.

And it looks like the glow is dimming for her supposed 2012 presidential bid also. The Iowa Republican Party just finished conducting a poll of their members to see where the presidential contenders stood. Palin finished a poor fourth place in the poll. Here are the results:

Mike Huckabee...............22%
Mitt Romney...............18%
Newt Gingrich...............14%
Sarah Palin...............11%
Ron Paul...............5%

Frankly, if you can't beat the despicable Newt Gingrich then you might as well quit (something she's very good at).

1 comment:

  1. Palin Divorce Watch: Day 383.

    Two posts in one day? Why are you so obsessed with a politician that stands little to no chance of getting the Republican presidential nomination, much less being elected President?


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