Thursday, February 17, 2011

Graph Of Republican Presidential Hopefuls

This graph was compiled by Nate Silver at FiveThirtyEight and shows his view of where the Republican hopefuls stand on a scale of insider/outsider and moderate/conservative. I found it interesting (although I might disagree with some of his placements).


  1. Should Bachmann’s symbol really be a smooth circle? Seems like it ought to be a saucer or … I don’t know… What is crazy shaped like?

    No Christie on there, huh?

    Christie seems to be the darling of the week for the Right… because he talks like a radio host and suicide jokes are hilarious

  2. I was wondering what the colors meant, so I went back to Nate Silver's original post. It took some digging to find it, but here's the explanation:

    "Finally, the color of each circle reflects the region the candidate is from: blue for the Northeast, red for the South, green for the Midwest, and yellow for the West."

    Regardless of ones political persuasion, I think a field this wide open and diverse should make for a very interesting primary season next year - full of twists and turns, and unless I miss my guess, a lot of surprises. It's quite possible that the nomination could go to someone who isn't even on the chart yet.

    Looks like 2012 will be a real treat for political junkies like myself!


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