Thursday, October 13, 2011

American Workers Take Another Hit From Congress

American workers just took another hit from the politicians in Congress. These politicians (Republicans and blue dog Democrats) won't do anything to create jobs in the United States, but they don't seem to mind passing bills that stand a real good chance of costing this country even more jobs.

This latest action came in the form of three "free trade agreements" -- to Columbia, Panama, and South Korea. And sadly, the president has said he will sign the three agreements. He has swallowed the corporate lies that this is a good thing for America. If these new trade agreements work like the previous ones, like NAFTA and CAFTA, it will be a big boon for the international corporations and a disaster for American workers. Those corporations will be able to export jobs and then not worry about any kind of tariffs when they ship their goods back to America to sell.

A clue to how bad these agreements will probably be can be seen from one of the major supporters of the three agreements -- the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Don't be fooled, this organization is not like the chamber in your hometown (that supports small local businesses). This national organization could care less about small businesses. They are wholly owned and subsidized by the giant corporations, and everything they do is to promote those giant corporations.

The Republicans (and their blue dog Democratic buddies) are slapping themselves on the back today because they have provided their corporate buddies with another victory. They are claiming that these bills will be job creators, and they are probably right. The problem is that those jobs will be created in Columbia, Panama, and South Korea -- not the United States.

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