Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I just wanted to remind my readers of the comment policy that can be found in the column to the right. I keep getting comments from "anonymous" even though I have clearly stated that comments posted anonymously will not be approved. Come on people! How much effort does it take to make up a name to sign your comments with? Some of the comments I've rejected for this reason were pretty good and I would have liked to post them, but I will not violate my own policy.


  1. I've never been anonymous about anything in my life.

  2. Lenny Bruce once said, “The only truly anonymous donor is the guy who knocks up your daughter”.

    Having posted on the Internet as Curious Texan for nearly seven years now, I've established a cyber-persona without revealing my true identity (in Clark Kent-Superman fashion). I'll let you decide which one is the Man of Steel and which one the Mild Mannered Reporter.

    When people post comments anonymously (rather than pseudonymously or, in Ted's case, using their actual name), it indicates to me that either 1) they lack the creativity to come up with a nom de plume; or 2) they had a screen name, but it's either been compromised, or its reputation has suffered due to flaming or other anti-social cyber-behavior.

    My suggestion: Join the witness protection program and create a new identity for yourself. Then behave yourself; a good screen name (like a good name in the real world) can take years to establish and only a moment to destroy.

  3. YDG -- You and me both.

    CT -- Well said.


ANONYMOUS COMMENTS WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED. And neither will racist,homophobic, or misogynistic comments. I do not mind if you disagree, but make your case in a decent manner.