Sunday, October 23, 2011

It's Not About Labels

Whether you call it capitalism or socialism doesn't matter, it's just wrong for 1% to have most of the wealth and all of the power.


  1. You mean, 99% of Americans are not allowed to vote?

  2. voters get lied to every single day..they vote for someone who says one thing, and then when elected does the opposite.

  3. I see, so 99% of American voters are stupid.

    They never strike me that way but if you insist . . .

  4. Not 99%. But voters who vote against their own best interests are stupid.

  5. Not 99%. But voters who vote against their own best interests are stupid.

    Once upon a time, there was a Democrat President who disagreed with that kind of self-serving attitude.

    Here's a link to what he said about it.

  6. CT-
    It's a great speech, but nowhere in it does he say that people should vote against their own interests to make sure the rich get richer while 90% of Americans get poorer.


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